First ride of the red/black at Llandegla
This is the 2nd proper bit of film shot with the GoPro. Jane from EDS Bikes was planning a last minute raid of Llandegla & asked if I was up for it.
Twas an early start. Coffee. Get there. 1 lap. Coffee. Straight back to Yorkshire!
I’m not quite sure why I haven’t ridden Llandegla before. In the past various people have claimed to be not too impressed, but as it is, I loved it. The climbs are on the steep side but all doable if you have the energy. As we all know, the main thing with climbs is that there should be downhills that are worth the effort, and this is the case..!
And …I’ve just seen some news that more improvements are being finished at this very moment!
Apart from the riding, the trails are quite scenic in places, so generally a good place to be.
Being the 1st time I’ve ridden Llandegla, it wasn’t flat out. So one perspective of the video is that it kind of shows the level any rider can get to with a bit of coaching & practice.
As with the previous vid, a (possibly) sharper version will be on Vimeo when it’s processed. A link will be edited in shortly…