Interesting, Quality, New Mountain Bike Brands & Products

Cushcore, MSC Tires, Wolf Tooth, Revgrips, Smoove

New (or new-ish) MTB Stuff Pipdream Moxie | Starling Murmur | MSC Tyres | CushCore Tyre Inserts | Smoove Chain Lube | Wolf Tooth Components | PNW Components | Revgrips | Stan’s Dart | Pragmasis Security   With the last post covering brands that have stood the test of time, it seemed to follow to cover some that are…


Test of Time…

Long Term Brands at Chasing Trails This is the first post a good while, I got very out of the habit..! It’s not exactly a New Year’s resolution to start posting again, but it seemed a good time nonetheless. Starting the new decade I was considering what was appropriate and wondered if there any brands I’ve used for the…


Park Tools CC-3 chain wear indicator

Park Chain Gauge I might be wrong, but I’m guessing that this tool is very underrated by a lot of home mechanics… If your chain wears beyond a certain point you’ll very quickly need a new cassette & chain-rings as well as a replacement chain. On the other hand I’ve seen a fair few bikes which obviously have wear…


2 really useful wheel building tools

Better tools for wheel builds This post is a review of useful tools rather than a wheel building tutorial! Cyclus 720158 Spoke Nipple Driver You can build wheels without a nipple driver but it’s a lot more tricky & will take longer. Most nipple drivers look like a screwdriver with a bent shaft. That kind is a hand tool…
